6 Money Goals for Financial Wellness

One element of Financial Wellness is the physical side of your money, you know, the dollars and cents stuff. Many of my clients come to me wanting to take control of their finances, but they don’t know where to start. That’s because the financial industry has succeeded in making may of us think it’s really hard and super-duper complicated. It’s not.

Begin your financial journey by looking at the money side this way. I believe you can be most effective by identifying  short-term, attainable goals in one of six areas.  Once you’ve conquered one, you can move on to the next with aplomb, because nothing motivates like success.petal graph small

I’ve outlined the 6 basic goals of financial health, and we can evaluate where you are in this picture and determine your most important next step.

  1. Emergency fund – take out the crisis, downgrade it to an event
  2. Eradicate debt – don’t be like the Joneses
  3. Insurance – let go of money fears
  4. Savings for retirement, college, or home
  5. Investments – avoid the Madoffs
  6. Estate Planning – look at your life, not your death

Which one of these stages would help you sleep better at night? Click here to learn more about how I can help.

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